What's up, guys!? It's me, your friend, Ouroburos! I have a brand new album review coming around this Thursday, and wouldn't you like to know what it is?? I'm going to visit PsyOpus, an avantgarde metal band that is bound to attract all listeners with the amusing guitar playing of Chris "Arp" Arpmandude and smooth bridges in the middle of nearly each song. How I'm visiting them, with a review of their third album, Odd Senses, which was released back on February 17, 2009... JESUS CHRIST, IT'S ALMOST ABOUT THREE YEARS LATERS!!! Of course I'm not only going to touch on the subject of the album, but like with my other reviews, I'll touch on such subjects such as the band history, musical style, and my overall opinions on it. Keep those ears open as the glorious review will be up later this week. Keep it metal!
P.S. Is anyone stoked for the revival of Beavis and Butt-head Thursday night at 10 P.M., as well? My guess is that Jersey Shore will be overused in the series for now, but we have Mike Judge to save the day! I hope. Finally something to watch on MTV after several years.
"You're tearing me apart, Lisa!!" 23:42, October 24, 2011 (UTC)Ouroburos.TheNewSaurian